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07 Mar 2010 21:29


World: Was Adam Gadahn arrested? Let’s compare various sources

  • Reuters They claim that Gadahn, the former American, was caught and it’s a pretty big deal.
  • NYT They say it’s not him at all, and that early reports were “confused.” He’s not on their front page.
  • CNN They claim there are “conflicting reports” on whether he was caught. No #*(@, sherlock.

14 Jun 2009 19:24


World: Is your name Baitullah Mehsud? If so, there’s a target on your head

  • The Pakistani government is gunning for him. The military has started operations to take down Mehsud, the Pakistani Taliban leader. He’s responsible for much of the instability in the region, and we even have someone saying as much. “Baitullah Mehsud is the root cause of all evils,” said Owais Ghani, governor of the adjoining North West Frontier Province, near the rumored location of the country’s Taliban hideouts in South Waziristan. See? Told you. source