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20 Oct 2009 22:22


Tech: With net neutrality, could tiered internet make a comeback?

  • ISPs who can’t cap bandwidth may charge for traffic. With net neutrality looking more and more likely by the day, we may find ourselves returning to the days of paying for traffic based on usage. Consumers don’t want it, but companies like Time Warner and Comcast say that the cost of bandwidth, mixed with heavy usage of BitTorrent or popular video sites, may force it. We think that it’s probably going to happen, simply because they can’t fight the tide of Hulu forever. source

25 Sep 2009 18:41


Biz, Tech: We bet AT&T’s lawyers spent weeks looking for this nugget

  • By openly flaunting the call blocking prohibition that applies to its competitors, Google is acting in a manner inconsistent with the spirit, if not the letter, of the FCC’s fourth principle contained in its Internet Policy Statement.
  • AT&T senior vice president of federal regulatory affairs Robert Quinn • In a letter to the FCC that criticizes the App Store-rejected Google Voice in the midst of the net neutrality debate. Their claim? Because it doesn’t connect everywhere yet, Google Voice flaunts the FCC’s 2007 ban on long-distance providers blocking calls to certain rural areas. It’s like … OH! Let’s find an obscure decision and use it to criticize Google Voice, that software we don’t like! They may have a point, yes, but it feels like they had to reach to find it. • source

22 Sep 2009 09:11


Tech, U.S.: Thanks to the FCC, the net neutrality debate’s flaring up again

  • Consumer groups very favorable towards the rules. “This is a tremendous day for millions of us who have been clamoring to keep the internet free from discrimination,” said Free Press executive director John Silver. source
  • After the new rules were announced, wireless providers collectively freaked out. So did big cable companies like Comcast. A bunch of Republican congressmen also submitted a bill threatening to cut the FCC’s funding. source

18 Sep 2009 18:56


Tech, U.S.: Net neutrality win: The FCC could leave the series of tubes open

  • FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski is pushing for it. It’s good news for the average internet user. It’s great news for Google and free speech. It’s awful news for AT&T, Verizon, Comcast or any other ISP. But it’s got the support of the FCC, which will propose new regulations on Monday. “It will be a big win for consumers if the FCC delivers strong net neutrality rules that apply across all technologies,”said Free Press policy director Ben Scott. source