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24 Apr 2010 19:19


08 Oct 2009 20:30


U.S.: State health care coverage: Vermont’s best, Mississippi’s worst

  • 7% of Vermont residents are uninsured, and most of the uninsured are dirty, smelly hippies (we think) source

12 Jul 2009 10:15


Sports: It wasn’t Michael Jackson’s funeral, but Steve McNair’s was still big

  • 5,000 people paid respects to the former Titan source

07 May 2009 09:53


U.S.: Jackson, Miss. mayor Frank Melton dies in dramatic fashion

  • Background: Melton moved to the city in the early 1980s to run a local TV station, where he became known for his fiery op-ed pieces. in 2005, he was elected mayor. source
  • Conflict: His odd way of running the city led to charges that he and a bodyguard attempted to attack a duplex he considered a crack house with sledgehammers. source
  • Crisis: The charges, which were about to be retried in federal court, took a toll on his political career, and he ended up losing a heated primary for re-election. source
  • Resolution: Melton, in ill health for years, went to the hospital just after the primary results were announced and then died. He leaves behind a killer biopic. source

22 Feb 2009 10:35


U.S.: Two states, two approaches to the stimulus

  • Mississippi: Ehhhh … Governor Haley Barbour, a Republican, says he won’t take some of the allocated funds for his state if it means extra costs for Mississippi down the road. He specifically noted the unemployment tax, which might force the state to pick up the tab for increased benefits. “I mean, we want more jobs,” Barbour said. “You don’t get more jobs by putting an extra tax on creating jobs.” source
  • Mississippi: Ehhhh … Governor Haley Barbour, a Republican, says he won’t take some of the allocated funds for his state if it means extra costs for Mississippi down the road. He specifically noted the unemployment tax, which might force the state to pick up the tab for increased benefits. “I mean, we want more jobs,” Barbour said. “You don’t get more jobs by putting an extra tax on creating jobs.”
  • Massachusetts: Bring it on! Democratic Governor Deval Patrick, on the other hand, has zero qualms with taking a ton of stimulus cash, if it means building up the state’s – and by extension, the country’s – infrastructure. He specifically mentioned roads. “Whether governors say they will or won’t take this or that as part of the stimulus bill, in some ways, is irrelevant,” Patrick said. “People want that help.” source