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20 Oct 2011 23:47


World: Meteor shower: An excuse for folks with binoculars to look less weird.

  • Keep your eyes on the skies, folks. It’s time for another Orionid meteor shower, guys! “From tomorrow up to 30 meteors an hour could be seen as they burn up, which can be best viewed in the northern hemisphere, with the optimum viewing times likely to be at around 1am or 5am.” This happens every October as the Earth passes through what’s been left by Haley’s Comet. source

12 Aug 2010 10:40


Tech: Apparently, you’ll be able to see a freaking meteor shower tonight

  • It’s August, so it must mean meteor showers! At least that’s what NASA says, which is why they’re hosting a chat later on today to discuss the Perseid meteor shower peaks, which will be hitting today and tomorrow., leading to awesome images like this one. We like space. It’s kind of a big place. source

29 Nov 2009 10:57


Offbeat: We’re all gonna die: Meteorite in South Africa will kill us all

  • It’s kind of like “District 9,” except without the spaceship. Last week, a giant meteor exploded in Gauteng, South Africa. Many in the country saw the meteor go off, and well, we’re scared of the aliens that are about to come out and kill us all. source