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28 Jul 2009 19:32


Sports: Michael Phelps lost today. No, not his bong, a race!

  • 200m freestyle is Michael Phelps’ specialty. He lost the race in Rome today to German Paul Biedermann. We’ve never heard of him either source

02 Jun 2009 09:59


World: The search for the missing Air France flight continues

  • They may have spotted some debris, but it’s too early to tell. It sounds like a total nightmare, but a giant plane falling into an ocean that dwarfs it makes for a crazy needle-in-haystack game. Fortunately, Brazilian air force craft have some leads in the form of debris 400 miles off the coast of the country. Sadly, the odds that they will find someone alive out of the the 228 passengers and crew are very low. The odds that a Portuguese Lost spin-off will happen in the wake of the crash are even lower. source

17 May 2009 02:47


U.S., World: A young boy kidnapped in the U.S. was just found in Mexico

  • 3 age of Briant Rodriguez, who was missing for two weeks source

04 Mar 2009 10:33


Biz, U.S.: Job-wise, February sucked worse than January

  • 697,000 jobs were lost in the private sector in February source