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18 Oct 2011 11:04


U.S.: Gallup poll: Americans favoring pot legalization at record levels

  • 50% of respondents want to see marijuana legalized — the first time it’s reached a full majority
  • 46% of respondents would rather that marijuana remain illegal … a number that’s been declining for years source
  • » Will we reach a tipping point? Quite possibly, the study suggests: “If this current trend on legalizing marijuana continues, pressure may build to bring the nation’s laws into compliance with the people’s wishes,” the summary noted. Considering the current state of affairs in California, public outcry is completely understandable. Think it’ll eventually happen?

27 Jan 2011 12:54


Politics: Montel Williams implores Delaware to approve medical marijuana

  • Marijuana may not work for everyone, but what it has done for me is it’s given me my life back.
  • Former talk show host Montel Williams • Speaking to Delaware lawmakers, Williams made an emotional and full-throated appeal for medicinal marijuana legalization. He claims that nothing else still works to ease his severe neuropathic pain from multiple sclerosis, with which he was diagnosed in 1999. source

16 Oct 2010 03:00


Politics: Based on this statement, Eric Holder needs to toke up

  • We will vigorously enforce the (federal law) against those individuals and organizations that possess, manufacture or distribute marijuana for recreational use, even if such activities are permitted under state law.
  • Obama Attorney General Eric Holder • In a pledge he made to uphold the nation’s marijuana laws even as California appears to be heading towards legalization with Prop 19. Yo, Eric, you wanna get a hit of this? You need to mellow out, man. It’s not that bad. source

26 Sep 2010 19:53


U.S.: California leaning towards waving its pot flag high

  • 49% of residents support legalizing pot in the state via Prop. 19
  • 42% don’t think it should be legalized at the ballot
  • 9% were too stoned to know what was going on source

22 Apr 2010 11:07


U.S.: One California county could be a big loser due to pot legalization

  • $500 million yearly from illegal pot manufacturing source

24 Mar 2010 22:26


U.S.: California: The state that brought you Prop 8 could legalize pot

Thanks to a hard-fought ballot initiative, stoners who couldn’t marry their same-sex partners could soon legally purchase pot straight-up. source

28 Jan 2010 20:46


U.S.: Ca. pot legalization pushers get off the couch, get petitions signed

  • 433,971 number of valid signatures supporters of marijuana legalization need to get it on the 2010 ballot
  • 700,000 number of signatures they just dropped off today in California; mind the cloud of Cheeto dust source

22 Jan 2010 18:32


U.S.: The plaintiffs in the Prop. 8 case just finished arguing their side

  • At the beginning of this trial we said we would prove three points: that marriage is a fundamental right; that gays and lesbians, and the children they are raising, are harmed from the prohibition of their being able to marry; and allowing them to marry will not harm anyone … we proved all of those points.
  • Lawyer David Boies • On finishing up his side of arguing the landmark Proposition 8 court case in a California federal court. Boies says that he and fellow lawyer Theodore Olson are “pleased to be finishing our case today.” Now the pro-Prop. 8 side goes up, and argues against the legalization of gay marriage. Anyone think this case is like our Scopes trial? Seems like it has that kind of intrigue to it. source

20 Dec 2009 21:26


U.S.: Smokin’ hot topic in California: Legalizing pot to leverage taxes

  • 56% of Californians support legalizing marijuana to help pay off the state’s debt
  • 680,000+ people have reportedly signed a petition for a November ballot proposal source

15 Nov 2009 12:15


U.S.: Daily poll: Is medical marijuana a whiff of the future for pot?

  • Last week in Portland, Oregon (that bastion of hipsterism and indie rock and Elliott Smith shrines), a pot cafe opened up for medical marijuana users. Its the first of its kind in the country, and pretty much the only place it would really make sense at this point is on the West Coast. Anyway, with this new barrier broken, it’s about time to take stock – will pot usage be straight-up legal at some point, or will it at least be accepted? Vote above.source