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09 Dec 2009 09:35


U.S.: Some crazy lady tried really hard to kill a rival’s baby

  • Forged prescription Kisha Jones of Brooklyn, in an attempt to end the pregnancy of Monique Hunter, who she believed was about to have her husband’s illegitimate baby, reportedly acquired a drug meant to induce labor by acquiring a doctor’s medical pad.
  • Tricked into taking Jones then allegedly pretended to be Hunter’s doctor’s office and called numerous times telling her that she had a prescription she needed to take. Hunter then took the prescription thinking it was hers, had severe abdominal pain, and went into labor.
  • Toxic bottle Despite all of that, the baby survived, but not without another wrinkle. A unidentified man the allegedly dropped off a bottle for the new baby filled with poison. Doctors caught the bottle and called police. “What do you call your act?” “The Aristocrats!” source

13 Jul 2009 22:52


U.S.: Cheney’s secret CIA operation was just like “Hot Shots! Part Deux”

  • To continue the trend of linking old movies to current events we started last week, here goes: Imagine Charlie Sheen as the U.S. military, fighting a war on terror, somewhat ineptly. Imagine Saddam Hussein to be all terrorists, especially the leaders of al-Qaeda. Imagine President Lloyd Bridges to be President Dick Cheney (’cause we all know who wore the pants in the White House). And imagine the fireplace as the drama that the CIA is facing right now because of the story we’re linking to.source