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30 Aug 2010 09:29


Tech: Remember the CrunchPad/Joojoo? Some lawsuit stuff just happened

  • Remember the CrunchPad? That thing that became the JooJoo without the branding of TechCrunch’s main dude? Of course you do. Anyway, some court stuff recently happened in the case, tossing away most of TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington’s claims, but keeping a big, important one: The companies were business partners and had responsibilities to one another. Fusion Garage, the guys behind the JooJoo, are idiots that totally cost themselves good press and overcharged for a device now forgotten in the iPad’s wake, but that’s besides the point. source

11 Apr 2010 11:43


Tech: The JooJoo costs as much as an iPad, does half as much

  • Bring up YouTube or Hulu clips and they look fine in a small window, but click into the full-screen mode and you’ll get more stalls and sputtering than a health care bill moving through Congress.
  • Wired reviewer Priya Ganapati • Discussing the JooJoo, formerly the CrunchPad. Beyond the immense amount of drama around the former TechCrunch-sponsored device, they say it sucks, especially at its $500 price point. The key point to take from the review? “Twice the weight of an iPad with half the usability. … You’re going to charge $500 for this thing with a straight face?” (In Michael Arrington’s defense, he wanted to charge less than half that price, but then Fusion Garage got a little greedy.) source

01 Apr 2010 23:33


Tech: Engadget doesn’t know what to do with this JooJoo tablet

  • In terms of dumb tech moves, this ranks up there with Palm releasing the Pre the same week as the latest iPhone revision. The CrunchPad JooJoo hit Engadget’s desk today like a lump of coal, and while they want to review it and stuff, they also kinda hit on one of the busiest tech weeks of the year. Something about a tablet computer backed by a Silicon Valley guy with more cred than Michael Arrington. source