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15 May 2009 19:46


Music: Eminem has a different kind of weight problem from Jessica Simpson

Slim Shady’s looking a lot slimmer these days. He says it’s because he stopped drinking. In other news, “Relapse” leaked. source

07 Apr 2009 10:12


Culture, Music, Politics: Dear Eminem: The formula’s wearing very thin

  • We get it, man. Marshall, you’re one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and this is the make-or-break moment. Critics, who howled in disappointment at “Encore,” are wanting “Relapse” (out in May) to be a return to form. Fans are looking for the most notorious rapper of the last decade to start making hits again. But could you at least make it a little more surprising? source
  • We get it, man. Marshall, you’re one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and this is the make-or-break moment. Critics, who howled in disappointment at “Encore,” are wanting “Relapse” (out in May) to be a return to form. Fans are looking for the most notorious rapper of the last decade to start making hits again. But could you at least make it a little more surprising?
  • The video Eminem is one of maybe four artists – Michael Jackson, Weird Al and Weezer being the other three – who nails the videos every time. “We Made You,” the first single from “Relapse,” is no exception. With pop-culture riffs all over the place, it manages to nail Jessica Simpson, “Star Trek” (see Dre as Capt. Kirk; LOL) and a host of other media icons with ease. source
  • We get it, man. Marshall, you’re one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and this is the make-or-break moment. Critics, who howled in disappointment at “Encore,” are wanting “Relapse” (out in May) to be a return to form. Fans are looking for the most notorious rapper of the last decade to start making hits again. But could you at least make it a little more surprising?
  • The video Eminem is one of maybe four artists – Michael Jackson, Weird Al and Weezer being the other three – who nails the videos every time. “We Made You,” the first single from “Relapse,” is no exception. With pop-culture riffs all over the place, it manages to nail Jessica Simpson, “Star Trek” (see Dre as Capt. Kirk; LOL) and a host of other media icons with ease.
  • However … … this is exactly the kind of song and exactly the kind of video that Eminem releases as a first single – and a decade in, and his aim’s getting a little off. Riffs on Bret Michaels and Portia di Rossi? Really? And we can see a few Republicans getting uppity over Sarah Palin’s trashing. Marshall, you need a new trick; this one’s just old and tired. source

06 Feb 2009 16:04


Culture: Jessica Simpson had a bit of a breakdown last night

  • Worst part? It was on stage. Simpson has had a lot on her plate lately, what with some jerks in the media giving her guff about apparent weight gain. (Her ex-husband, Nick Lachey, has her back.) Anyway, at a show in Grand Rapids, Mich., where Simpson was opening for Rascal Flatts, she was having trouble keeping her composure, forgot lyrics and was a big freaking mess. What was to blame? Possibly boyfriend Tony Romo’s lack of appearance at the show. He missed his flight. source

01 Feb 2009 13:45


Culture: Nick Lachey to media: Leave Jessica ALONE!

  • I think it’s ridiculous that the media is making such a big deal about it. It’s ridiculous that it would be making headlines. But you can’t believe everything that’s written or reported in the media. I wish her nothing but happiness.
  • Nick Lachey • on his ex-wife, pop star Jessica Simpson, and her apparent weight gain, as shown in photos plastered all over the Interweb. So what if she’s fat? We’ve been packing on the pounds ourselves. Seriously, Pizza Hut is freaking tasty. We’re vegetarian though, so Chicken of the Sea is off-limits. • source