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11 May 2011 11:22


Politics: Lame: Rapper Common now in the same boat as William Ayers

  • If this was somebody who used the same type of rhetoric about violence against President Obama I would be against it. . . . This is inappropriate for a President and he goes back to his radical roots again and again and again. Ayers, Wright, Pfleger.
  • Sean Hannity • Saying a bunch of stupid crap about how Common (a pro-Obama rapper) is a bad influence and shouldn’t visit the White House and stuff. We don’t have much to add to this, other than this: SHUT UP YOU AREN’T A RAP FAN AND YOU PROBABLY DIDN’T KNOW WHO THIS GUY WAS UNTIL YOU WERE HANDED A CUE CARD WITH HIS NAME ON IT BEFORE THE SEGMENT. Also, you can’t criticize Common’s poetic license until you take back this approval of Ted Nugent’s non-poetic license, brah. source

29 Aug 2010 20:20


Politics: Obama doesn’t worry himself about whether people think he’s Muslim

  • There were those who said I couldn’t win. because I had a funny name. I trusted in the American people’s capacity to get beyond all this nonsense.
  • President Barack Obama • Taking on the unfounded claims about his religion by saying he’s not bothered by them. In other news, his old pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, totally had his back on his religion. Too bad the AP got that fact incredibly wrong. It’s “sycophants,” not psychopaths. Big difference. source