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29 Jun 2010 11:24


Politics: No, really? Michigan governor: We have to diversify our economy

  • The world has changed and we have to change with it. There’s still hope for change, but we have to create our own way forward and not wait for change to come to us.
  • Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm • Saying the most mind-numbingly obvious thing we’ve ever published. Ever. With a state that has as high of unemployment as hers and a main industry struggling as much as the auto industry, the time to act is not now. The time to act was 20 years ago, when Michael Moore was making “Roger and Me.” We’re from Michigan, so we have even less sympathy for statements like this. No talk. Just make it happen. And don’t pretend that you haven’t had your opportunities. source

09 Feb 2010 10:13


U.S.: Jennifer Granholm calls Obama’s asian carp plan a load of crap

  • The economic damage from these carp coming into the Great Lakes system would be irreparable. They should shut the locks down until they get these other measures in place, and permanently have a solution to separating these two water systems.
  • Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm • Regarding Obama’s $78.5 million plan to prevent ecosystem-screwing asian carp from getting in the Great Lakes. She says it’s not enough. The problem stems from an Illinois canal where the carp are coming from. Granholm – and Michigan – want the canal blocked off from the Great Lakes. Illinois doesn’t. Obama’s from Illinois. You see where this is going. source

03 Feb 2010 21:19


U.S.: Michigan Governor: We aren’t just about cars anymore

  • Where the old Michigan economy was all about autos and manufacturing…the new Michigan economy is much broader: clean energy, life sciences — like bio-economy and medical devices — homeland security and defense, advanced manufacturing, film and tourism.
  • Micigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm • In her final State of the State address before being term-limited out of office. The state, which has felt the worst effects of the recession, needs a change in mentality. Granholm says she plans to help the state leapfrog the auto industry in its entirety, while not quitting it entirely. With less than a year left, can she pull it off? With the economy in such dire straits, she needs to. source

13 May 2009 22:18


U.S.: Ladies! Judges! Cabinet members! Obama plays his Supreme Court cards

  • Five of Obama’s six possible choices are women, and just one is a dude. We wonder which way he’s leaning. Clearly, it’s with the guy. Because he’s dropping tons of hints. source
  • The judicial choices are two female appeals court justices, Sonia Sotomayor and Diane Wood, and a male Calif. Supreme Court justice, Carlos Moreno. source
  • Solicitor General Elena Kagan, who argues for the government in Supreme Court cases, is also a possibility. Plus, she knows everyone on the bench already. Hooray! source
  • Outside of the courtroom are Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Homeland Security Sec. Janet Napolitano, both of whom are fairly well-known. source
  • Whoever wins the race to become the next Supreme Court justice, we recommend using extra Lysol on David Souter’s chair, because who knows where that guy’s been? source

01 Apr 2009 22:56


Biz, Politics: Editorial: Carmakers could have pulled the electric trigger long ago

  • In Michigan, we are doing everything we can to become the home of this new electric auto industry – and to the jobs this industry will create.
  • Gov. Jennifer Granholm • On the rebuilding of the industry that’s the cornerstone of that state. GM had a chance to do the electric car right and a captive audience, and they limited its appeal and let it die. It seems like a sad commentary on our country’s priorities that it takes near-bankruptcy to convince the auto industry to properly give electric cars an actual shot. • source