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28 Feb 2011 20:58


World: Jaycee Lee Dugard’s captors: We confess to everything

Phillip Garrido and his wife, Nancy, who reportedly kept Dugard in captivity for almost two decades, chose to confess partly to ensure a lighter sentence for Nancy. source

10 Sep 2009 10:06


Offbeat: The importance of pauses: A BBC News reporter reveals too much

  • Poor guy sounds like he’s had an awful personal life, what with the forced male pregnancy and all. He sure looks well-mannered considering.source

31 Aug 2009 08:35


U.S.: If you’re a sex offender, you should move to Phillip Garrido’s town

  • 100+ sex offenders live in sunny Antioch, Calif. source

28 Aug 2009 01:31


U.S.: Phillip Garrido hid his tracks well in the Jaycee Lee Dugard case

  • There were zero signs of kids living there. Only him, his wife and mom.
  • Antioch, California Sgt. Diane Aguinaga • Describing the utterly bizarre conditions that they found when they discovered long-missing child Jaycee Lee Dugard and her two daughters recently. Phillip Garrido, a registered sex offender as far back as 1971, allegedly hid the children in a backyard compound behind a fence. Few stones were left unturned – the lair was soundproofed, even. Incredibly disturbing. • source