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29 Aug 2009 10:42


Biz: It looks like a hip, independent coffee shop, but it’s really Starbucks

15th Avenue Coffee & Tea, Inspired by Starbucks
  • This new petri dish, the 15th Avenue Coffee & Tea (which is “inspired by Starbucks”), is Starbucks’ attempt to learn some lessons about flair, quality and comfort that are currently missing from their own cold and cool and uncomfortable stores. The shop, based in Seattle, does most of the things that independent coffee shops do – brewing using low-tech methods, bringing in food from local bakeries, making their espresso arty. Will it actually end up making Starbucks cool again? No. But it’s a great start.source

18 Apr 2009 18:47


Biz, Music: Go in a record store today and buy a cool physical disc

  • Independent record stores may be in declining in influence and popularity, but they’re still institutions worth supporting. Which is why Record Store Day which started in 2007, came about. source
  • Numerous bands – big and small – are chipping in to support the institutions, both via live performances and special record-store-only releases. So what are you waiting for? source