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07 Mar 2011 01:02


Biz: Mideast ripple effect: Gas prices’ second-highest spike ever

  • 32.7¢ the increase in gas prices in the past two weeks, caused by the drama in the Middle East – the second-largest jump on record
  • 38.44¢ the largest jump in gas prices on record, which happened in 2005 – immediately after this storm called Hurricane Katrina source

08 Jan 2010 08:59


Biz: December’s job outlook not so rosy, but not catastrophic, either

  • -85k number of jobs that were lost in December
  • 10% level of unemployment – it’s staying steady
  • +4k number of jobs ADDED in November (?!?!) source

16 Sep 2009 21:39


Biz, U.S.: Coming soon: Higher costs for employer-offered health care

  • 40% of employers plan to raise out-of-pocket costs for their employees source

29 May 2009 14:18


Biz: Southwest, looking for revenue, stares hard at kids and pets

  • $50 charge for children traveling alone on an airplane, round-trip source