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07 May 2010 10:23


Biz: Jobs: Employers are hiring, but more people are looking

  • 290,000new jobs in April, way more than
    expected and the best month for
    employment in four years
  • 9.9%the current unemployment rate,
    higher than last month because more
    people are looking for work source

06 Oct 2009 21:14


Biz: Fewer employers punishing workers for skipping out on work

  • 15% of employers fired workers for playing hooky this year source

16 Sep 2009 21:39


Biz, U.S.: Coming soon: Higher costs for employer-offered health care

  • 40% of employers plan to raise out-of-pocket costs for their employees source

15 Mar 2009 21:46


Biz, U.S.: Job-seekers take themselves out to the ballpark, en masse

  • 10,000 potential employees surrounded Dodger Stadium in L.A. looking for a job this weekend source