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27 May 2010 12:21


Tech: Apple’s bigger than Microsoft. How? On AOL News, we explain

  • Thirteen years ago, Microsoft gave Apple a big loan. Since then, Steve Jobs has become a bit of a graybeard but he’s also turned Apple into a company that’s now bigger than Microsoft. Literally. It just happened yesterday. How? Check out our AOL News article. It explains everything. Essentially, Apple’s market capitalization is based on their future potential. Microsoft’s is based on their continuing huge profits. source

20 Oct 2009 21:12


Tech: 30-inch monitors are cool; 27-inch iMacs are cheaper and better

  • $1799 the cost of Apple’s 30-inch Cinema HD display, which hasn’t been upgraded since it came out in 2004 and uses older technology to drive those pixels source

03 Mar 2009 10:14


Tech: In case anyone forgot, Apple has a desktop line

And they updated it today – iMacs, Mac Pros and Mac Minis. Good for them. source