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12 Aug 2009 20:45


U.S.: The gay marriage fight in California is … on hold until 2012

  • I think 2010 is just to early. Eventually, marriage equality will happen for everyone. But we think we have a better chance of winning 2012.
  • Marriage Equality Silicon Valley spokesman Rick Infantino • Regarding the delay in pushing for a gay-marriage fight in California. The group thinks it’s too risky to try again after losing the fight over Prop 8 last year. They’re not alone, but it’s not universal. Other state gay-advocacy organizations are still pushing for a fight in 2010. • source

04 Aug 2009 11:15


Politics: The American Family Association messes with AAA over gay rights

  • Look at that handy form letter! Check out this form letter: “My family and I are deeply shocked and saddened that AAA would alter its Family Membership policy to include recognizing homosexual couples as being ‘married.’ ” Well, American Family Association, MY FAMILY AND I are deeply shocked and saddened that your blatant homophobia gets a pass. They note that in 30 states, it’s not legal. But it is legal in some states. source

28 Jun 2009 11:58


Culture: Grown-up kids of gay parents say they’re normal, well-adjusted

  • You can imagine what my parents thought when I was 13 and listening to Rush Limbaugh everyday. But my family had strong family values. I was raised in a loving, caring household that let me be a free thinker.
  • Republican activist Jesse Levey • Who grew up in a household with two lesbian mothers, but ended up becoming a perfectly normal heterosexual male. Despite his party’s overarching stance, he thinks his parents should be able to marry. Levey, of course, is not alone – lots of children of gay parents grew up to be perfectly normal. By the way, in this article, a guy who admits to having no experience with gay families, Dale O’Leary, is quoted as an expert. He’s shilling his book, “One Man, One Woman: A Catholics Guide to Defending Marriage.” Here’s our question to you: Is this balance, or just a hilariously misguided attempt to get the other side of the argument? • source

18 Jun 2009 18:29


U.S.: Gay-rights put their foot down and ask for Obama’s help

  • What we need now is leadership from the president, Congress and state officials to deliver that change. I’m frustrated and disappointed that the administration has not yet delivered on the vision we share for a more equal America.
  • Evan Wolfson • Who represents Freedom to Marry, a national pro-gay-marriage organization. Despite having strong support for their initiatives during the presidential campaign, Barack Obama has found himself up against the wall of Washington politics, playing it safe so that the efforts don’t derail his other initiatives. And gay-rights activists aren’t happy. • source

10 Jun 2009 19:52


Culture: Miss California firing: Was it politics or personnel issues?

  • Donald Trump claims she simply wasn’t doing her job. “I told Carrie she needed to get back to work and honor her contract with the Miss California USA organization, and I gave her the opportunity to do so,” he said.
  • Carrie Prejean claims it was political. “What’s behind this, I think, is a political debate. … From day one they wanted me out, and they got what they wanted,” she said. Her stance on gay marriage earned her 15 seconds of fame.
  • he said
  • she said

03 Jun 2009 18:31


U.S.: Gay marriage continues its New England revolution in NH

  • New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch signed the latest bill legalizing gay marriage, making them the sixth state to legalize it. source
  • However, Lynch had one caveat – which was agreed to – protecting the rights of those opposed to gay marriage. source

30 May 2009 14:36


U.S.: Fred Phelps & Co. think the gayest place on the planet is Rhode Island

Unfortunately for them, the Westboro Baptist Church didn’t actually find providence in Providence. source

26 May 2009 15:17


U.S.: It’s official: Prop. 8 upheld by California Supreme Court

  • California upheld the controversial Prop. 8, which amended the constitution to bar gay marriage. source
  • Those married during the brief period where it was legal won’t lose their marriage rights. source

21 May 2009 09:43


Politics: Some see gay marriage as a very inevitable thing

  • There will be a time when it is legal in all 50 states, and it will be such a part of our societal fabric that people will look back at this fight for rights with amazement and disdain that such a violation of human rights continued for so long in America.
  • PopMatters writer Michael Abernathy • In a column for Alternet, where he builds up a defense for gay marriage, stating that the right will come over time and become such a part of our societal fabric that future generations will be in disbelief that it was even an issue. (We agree, honestly.) • source

14 May 2009 09:11


Culture: Jon Stewart slaps some sense into the Miss California debate

  • We still want Carrie Prejean to go away, but at least it’s a less-bitter pill than it was before. Thanks for the insight, Daily Show!source