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23 Feb 2011 12:28


U.S.: Obama to DOJ: Stop defending Defense of Marriage Act in court

  • then Obama held onto the belief that gay marriage shouldn’t be legalized for far longer than a lot of people expected him to. Then he evolved. It was kinda weird.
  • now Now, he wants the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act in court, saying it’s unconstitutional. Wow, big deal kids. source

01 Feb 2011 13:17


Politics: Barbara Bush (Dubya’s daughter) joins campaign for gay marriage

  • It seems like only yesterday: It was 2004, and George W. Bush proposed a constitutional gay marriage ban in all fifty states as a reelection issue, under the supervision of his campaign manager Ken Mehlman. Now Mehlman is openly gay, Bush has said he has no interest in politics, and his daughter is cutting commercials for New Yorkers for Marriage Equality. Maybe things do have a way of working out in the end? source

04 Jan 2011 22:55


U.S.: Ninth District makes boring, indecisive decision on Prop 8 case

  • *shrug* The 9th District Court’s ruling on gay marriage – neither in favor of keeping Prop 8 nor against the controversial measure. Good answer, important people!
  • instead The court transferred the case to the California Supreme Court, to decide whether Prop. 8 backers can even defend the measure in court. Hmm. source

24 Dec 2010 09:44


Politics: Gay marriage advocates, here’s a Christmas present from Joe Biden

  • I think the country’s evolving, and I think there’s an inevitability for a national consensus on gay marriage.
  • Vice President Joe Biden • Offering up the kind of phrase on “Good Morning America” this morning that will get gay marriage advocates cheering. They may even say that it’s a “big fucking deal” on a hot mic just as the president is gonna make an announcement. Now, if only he can get Obama on board for this … source

06 Dec 2010 20:06


U.S.: Ninth Circuit leaning towards Prop. 8 repeal – and a narrow decision

  • Do we have to reach that point?
  • Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stephen Reinhardt • Suggesting that the court may not decide the Prop. 8 case with a broad brush, and may choose a more narrow route instead. It seems that the court in general is favoring gay-marriage supporters, with the court’s most conservative judge, N. Randy Smith, noting that the blockage of marriage seems arbitrary, considering that gays have equal rights in almost every other point of Californian life. “What is the rational basis for that?,” he asked. source

06 Dec 2010 10:53


U.S.: Gay marriage: Prop 8 trial heads to Ninth Circuit today

  • It’s a very favorable panel for the challengers to Proposition 8.
  • University of Pittsburgh law professor (and Ninth Circuit expert) Arthur Hellman • Handicapping the highly-anticipated horse race over Proposition 8 in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals starting today. The court, which chose to hear the case before allowing Judge Vaughn Walker’s initial decision to stand, could throw some wrenches in the case, though; namely, if they want, they can decide the case in such a way (by suggesting that supporters fo Prop. 8 didn’t have the standing to appeal the case) so that it doesn’t go to the Supreme Court, even if it legalizes gay marriage in California. source

01 Dec 2010 22:01


U.S.: Illinois set to allow same-sex civil unions! Hoo-ray!

  • This will be the entry to a slippery slope. The next thing we’ll see will be consideration of gay marriage.
  • Illinois Republican state representative Ron Stephens • Stating the obvious about the state’s move to allow civil unions, as if that’s going to stop it from getting signed into law. We’d like to congratulate Illinois for making the move to be the second state to allow civil unions and the seventh to allow gay marriage or civil unions – eighth if you count Washington D.C. Another seven states allow domestic partnerships that give varying degrees of rights. (On an unrelated side note, our source link is using this awesome new highlighting feature that the New York Times introduced today. Check it out. It’s futuristic.) source

13 Nov 2010 11:53


Politics: Texas gets its first gay marriage, with the help of Skype

  • This is how you get around gay-marriage laws. Mark Reed and Dante Walkup have long been in a committed relationship, and decided that they wanted to get married. Problem is, they live in Texas. So, here’s what they did: They had their ceremony in Dallas, but back in marriage-legal DC, they had marriage-equality activist Sheila Alexander-Reid officiate the wedding over Skype. (They got their marriage license ahead of time.) So they got married among friends, while still obeying local laws. Clever. Hopefully their union isn’t challenged. source

12 Nov 2010 10:25


Politics: Cindy McCain calls out hubby John in latest NOH8 campaign video

  • John McCain may want to delay DADT’s repeal, but his wife doesn’t feel quite the same way. Cindy McCain, who has appeared in photos for the pro-gay-marriage NOH8 Campaign in the past, shows up in this latest anti-gay-bullying clip saying this: “Our political and religious leaders tell LGBT youth that they have no future … They can’t serve our country openly … Our government treats the LGBT community like second-class citizens, why shouldn’t [the bullies]?” Her husband led the filibuster against “don’t ask, don’t tell,” so she’s literally calling out her husband in the clip. He also ran on an anti-gay-marriage platform back in 2008. If anyone else thinks that’s incredibly ballsy, raise your hand. *raises hand* source

20 Oct 2010 21:44


Politics: Obama’s record on gay rights pretty crappy so far, in our book

  • Obama, Obama, Obama … sigh. Look, we know you have the military in your ear. We know that the elections are coming up. We know that your party is probably going to lose a lot of seats come November. But the way you’ve handled this “don’t ask, don’t tell” mess – and gay rights in general – is pretty sad. It’s like you’re paying lip service to the idea of expanding gay rights while heading the opposite direction when the opportunity arises. Your administration’s quick appeal of a lower court’s decision repealing DADT was like dumping water all over many of your supporters. Sure, you can go on about them being unable to see the forest for the trees, but you don’t even seem to be interested in the forest at this point. And don’t even get us started on the fact that you don’t support gay marriagesource