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10 Mar 2011 14:39


U.S.: Ohio Gov. John Kasich would like you to know he can crush unions too

  • Wisconsin As anybody with an even mild interest in politics now knows, Gov. Scott Walker’s “budget” bill is not about the budget, so much as it’s a duplicitous effort to crush public unions at seemingly any political price. Police and firefighters, being somewhat harder to scapegoat than teachers, are exempt.
  • Ohio Don’t look now, but Gov. John Kasich is the mega-Walker. The newly elected Republican (and former Bill O’Reilly fill-in host) has an even more draconian hope for unions, stripping broad bargaining rights (like health care), and even disallowing strikes. Oh, and no free pass for police or firefighters. source

30 Aug 2009 11:51


U.S.: The California wildfires are getting out of control right now

  • 35,000 acres have burned in the Angeles National Forest so far source

24 Aug 2009 10:52


World: Firefighters are struggling to get the Athens wildfire under control

  • 500 firefighters are attacking it, and they need lots of help source