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23 Jul 2010 17:39


U.S.: Deepwater Horizon’s alarm too noisy, so they shut it off

  • Apparently, there were a lot of false alarms. They apparently were annoying and woke up sleeping workers. That’s what a chief technician for Transocean, the company that ran the oil rig, said about the reasons that safety systems were knowingly turned off – which helped lead to the disaster that killed 11 people and caused the ocean to flood with oil. In other oil-company-friendly news, BP got transparent about their Photoshopped images and posted a set of images up on Flickr – the ‘chopped images and the originals. Which is funny, because none of the images needed any Photoshopping at all. source

07 May 2010 13:38


U.S.: Times Square evacuation false alarm: Go about your business

  • It was a bunch of water bottles, guys. Six days after the last incident, and just a couple of days after a false alarm involving the RFK bridge, part of Times Square was evacuated again because of a package that arrived about an hour ago. Sorry for the rough week, New Yorkers. We’ll keep you posted. (Update: CNN is reporting that the incident, much like the RFK bridge incident, was a false alarm. Whew. Between this and the stock market, our blood pressure has been going way up lately.) source

04 Jun 2009 21:39


World: Speaking too soon: The debris wasn’t from the Air France flight

  • Time to start back at square one. Brazilian officials, obviously under a lot of pressure to have something to show from the Air France incident, have nothing to show after it was confirmed that the debris was actually trash, and the oil slick they found was actually from a ship – not a jet. Granted, the plane’s still missing, and something really bad happened, but could you guys at least checked a little more closely before making an announcement? source