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17 Sep 2009 10:03


Biz: Is taxing soda a good idea? Doctors, lobbyists push the issue

  • Many doctors say that putting a tax on soda – much like cigarettes – helps promote healthier choices by discouraging the empty calories of sugar water. source
  • The beverage industry (which can throw lots of money at this issue), however, is fighting this idea tooth and nail. And support for the tax is not universal. source

03 Mar 2009 21:22


U.S.: Obama flips the Bush endangered species policy like THAT!

  • He just let the experts back into the room. Barack Obama, while celebrating the 160th anniversary of the Interior Department, announced that he was changing a Bush environmental policy finalized in December. The policy allowed federal agencies to decide if projects would endanger species – a major tenet of the Environmental Protection Act – without consulting the experts. Obama, in an announcement, gracefully reversed that policy. This is why Michelle is taken, Jack Cafferty! source