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04 May 2011 10:07


World: How much money was Osama carrying when he was killed?

  • 500 were on his person — sewn into his clothes source
  • » Ready at the drop of a hat: In case Osama needed to make a run for it, the money sewn in his clothes ensured he might be able to survive for a couple of days. Though … it says a lot about the declining value of the dollar that he chose Euros instead. Among other things officials say they found — 10 cell phones, 10 computers and 100 thumb drives. Since the compound didn’t have internet access, we bet they just tethered their phones like we do.

11 Apr 2010 20:30


World: The EU throws Greece a few bones so they can pay next month’s rent

  • 45 billion in loans; that’s $61 billion for Amer’kans source