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08 Nov 2010 21:24


Biz: Federal Reserve feeling international heat over risky U.S. economic plan

  • Call it cause and side effect. The Federal Reserve, concerned about the slow domestic economic recovery, recently announced that they were going to shove $600 billion into circulation, a risky move that could help the economy recover – or put us on the way to Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation. (OK, maybe not that bad.) Anyway, in the wake of all of this, the international market has been freaking out, afraid that the world’s standard-bearer currency will lose value over time. Obama had to defend the Federal Reserve’s announcement in India today, and gold – which is already on a solid upswing of late – topped $1,400 an ounce today. source

03 Nov 2010 21:32


Biz: The Federal Reserve shoves money into the economy’s flagging corpse

  • $600
    the amount of money headed from the Federal Reserve to the U.S. government
  • $75
    the amount that breaks down to between now and June of next year; will it (finally) help? source

13 Apr 2010 11:17


U.S.: Rich folks in Texas, Virginia got a little lovin’ from Obama’s tax cuts

  • $1,595 amount the richest
    1 percent of Virginians got refunded from Obama’s tax cuts in 2009
  • $1,534 amount the richest
    1 percent in Texas got due to the economic stimulus plan
  • $1,158 amount the richest
    1 percent got on average across the country
    (that’s rich) source

13 May 2009 08:53


U.S.: Now that the U.S. has their stimulus, they’re not in a rush to use it

  • $787 billion size of the stimulus package passed by Congress and signed by Obama source

11 Feb 2009 22:15


U.S.: The stimulus bill dips below $800 billion

  • $789 billion right now, and very, very close to passing source

08 Feb 2009 10:19


U.S.: Obama ups the pass-the-stimulus pressure on Congress

  • In the midst of our greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, the American people were hoping that Congress would begin to confront the great challenges we face. That was, after all, what last November’s election was all about.
  • Barack Obama • in his weekly radio address. Obama has pushed hard for the $800+ billion stimulus bill to pass, particularly in the last week, when he’s seen resistance from Republican senators. They’re trying to accomodate, though: Senators debated the details of the plan in a rare Saturday session. • source

24 Jan 2009 13:05


U.S.: Obama: “hold my Administration accountable”

  • I understand that skepticism, which is why this recovery plan must and will include unprecedented measures that will allow the American people to hold my Administration accountable for these results.
  • President Barack Obama • in his first weekly radio/video address, in which he builds a case for his rapid-deploy $825 billion economic stimulus plan to those skeptical of its size and scale • source

18 Jan 2009 10:30


U.S.: Add tax cuts and we’ll love your plan even more, Obama

  • 58% public support for Obama’s economic stimulus plan, according to a new CNN survey source

15 Jan 2009 11:33


Biz, U.S.: Breaking down a $825 billion stimulus package

  • $550 billion in initatives designed to create jobs source

15 Jan 2009 11:28


Biz, U.S.: Another massive economic stimulus package is coming

  • $825 billion is earmarked in the upcoming stimulus bill source