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10 Oct 2011 23:21


World: Study: Chocolate could help lower heart risk for women

  • claimEat more chocolate (in moderation), have a lower risk of getting a stroke? A Swedish study of 33,000 women seemed to come to that sweet confectionary conclusion. Dark chocolate had a better effect on heart health than other kinds.
  • rebuttal Doctors still haven’t recommended chocolate as the best way to reduce the risk of having a stroke, though. They do recommend “blood pressure medicine, quitting smoking, exercising more and eating a healthier diet.” source

24 Jan 2011 10:28


Biz, World: Ivory Coast leaders fighting with chocolate, in non-funny way

  • cause Internationally-recognized Ivory Coast leader Alassane Ouattara, in an effort to starve still-clinging loser Laurent Gbagbo of cash, has decided to block all exports of cocoa from the country for a month. Ivory Coast is the world’s largest producer, by the way.
  • reaction An immediate effect of the export ban? Cocoa prices have gone way up on the commodities market – a 3.4 percent leap in just a day. Many are afraid of a potential market disruption. Some experts, however, suggest that the market is just overreacting to the news. source

05 Dec 2010 13:01


Offbeat: Too rich: Peanut butter, chocolate & bacon’s unholy union

  • Etsy was designed to combine these three things. Oh, and to convince people that their homespun hobbies deserve financial backing. source

15 Sep 2010 10:27


World: Chocolate + DNA + Crazed Nuts = Cracking the cocoa genome

You must have a beard this long to unlock the secrets of how to make cocoa taste better. Or to play Santa Claus at the local orphanage. source

12 Sep 2010 10:23


Offbeat: Chocolate fans: You’ll probably want a piece of this bad boy

That’s a pretty freaking huge piece of chocolate guys, isn’t it? How huge? Well, it’s reportedly 9,702 pounds, according to Guinness. source

19 Jan 2010 10:55


U.S.: Cadbury seems rather optimistic about the Kraft Foods buyout

  • We believe the offer represents good value for Cadbury shareholders and are pleased with the commitment that Kraft Foods has made to our heritage, values and people throughout the world.
  • Cadbury Chairman Roger Carr • On the $19.5 billion buyout offer that Kraft showed the company today. For months, Cadbury rejected Kraft’s advances. No longer. While Cadbury is open to other offers – get your #(&^ together, Hershey – they seem quite happy with the offer that the world’s second-largest food company has put forth. If they combined, they would become the largest. source

22 Nov 2009 12:02


Biz: It’s like everyone wants a freaking Cadbury egg

  • Kraft They made a unsolicited bid for the candy-maker, and then they made another one. Crumbelievable.
  • Hershey They saw what Kraft was doing and want to get chocolate in their peanut butter – with backup from another investor.
  • Nestle Now they want to lay a finger on Cadbury’s Butterfinger. And they might just be the backup Hershey’s needs. source

07 Sep 2009 09:37


Biz: Cadbury buyout offer: This may be the day’s only piece of news

  • $16.7 billion size of the offer Kraft made; it was swatted away by the chocolate egg giant source

12 Jun 2009 10:14


Offbeat: The drugs that were headed to Bonnaroo were pretty sweet

  • 35 pounds of magic-mushroom-laced chocolate almost made it in source