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10 Apr 2009 15:40


U.S.: Getting your tubes tied is the recession medical procedure of choice

  • With a fairly inexpensive ($500-$1000) medical procedure that takes just 20 minutes, guys can prevent expensive new babies by getting a vasectomy. source
  • However, you should think it over before you do it – getting the tubes untied is a lengthy, expensive medical procedure that doesn’t work half the time. source

10 Mar 2009 20:28


Culture: Like watching child birth? How about eight at once, say, an octet?

  • There’s a video. TMZ was offered it for sale. The video, which shows the beauty of childbirth more times than you might want to see in one setting, was offered to numerous media outlets, but the agency brokering the deal put a temporary hold on the sale on Friday. Yo Nadya, please leave this treasured moment in the family video collection – we beg of you. source