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28 Feb 2011 22:34


Culture: Piers Morgan says Charlie Sheen “the Che Guevera of television”

  • I’m super-bitchin’ [and] I don’t believe myself to be an addict.
  • Charlie Sheen • In the key quote in his whole rant with Piers Morgan, which was a big score for him because, well, he was sort of a surprise guest. This certainly is going to be a punch-up for Piers’ ratings, and of course, because the CNN host delves in the soft stuff like his predecessor Larry King did, he used the phrase “the Che Guevera of television” to describe Charlie. We want this on a T-Shirt, stat. source

05 Apr 2010 23:14


World: Elian Gonzalez (remember him?) on the Che Guevara path to fame

In the movie bound to be made about this hard-fought-for Cuban kid’s life, Shia LaBeouf needs to play the lead. Gotta love communism! source

19 Jun 2009 09:23


Offbeat: PETA finds Che Guevara’s granddaughter, gets her naked

Lydia Guevara is getting semi-nude for a PETA campaign promoting vegetarianism that co-opts Che’s likeness yet again. source