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05 Apr 2010 10:06


U.S.: XMRV: It’s not HIV, but does it transmit the same way?

  • bad XMRV, first discovered in 2006, is infectious and linked to two diseases – prostrate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. But evidence is still inconclusive.
  • worse Preliminary evidence suggests the disease is transmitted through blood just like HIV. Unlike HIV, it’s not currently checked for in the nation’s blood supply. Great. source

28 Mar 2010 09:50


World: Thai protests turn a civil corner, get a live-television airing

  • protesters Thailand’s red-shirt protesters, supporters of ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, were able to get a debate on live TV. One key statement: “Our request is simple and direct: dissolve parliament for the people to decide again.”
  • leader Thai leader Abhisit Vejjajiva was willing to talk to protesters, but made it clear he wouldn’t bend to their demands. “I have to make a decision based on a consensus from the entire country, not just the Red-Shirts,” he said. source

17 Mar 2010 10:52


World: Dear Thai protesters: Your use of blood is gross. Stop it.

We’ve strategically cropped this photo in a way that you can’t see the blood. We can only think of two or three things grosser than blood to throw in protest. source

15 Mar 2010 23:15


World: Thai protesters try out a different kind of blood donation

  • 1,000 liters of blood on the streets; whoa source

12 Feb 2010 09:18


U.S.: Bill Clinton leaves hospital feeling fairly good, considering

  • A couple of stents were apparently all he needed. The ex-president’s bum ticker seems to be ticking just fine again after a procedure restored blood flow in one of his coronary arteries. That’s why he got the stents. Apparently, he was due for a 5,000-mile tune-up for his freaking heart or something. source

31 Oct 2009 19:47


Offbeat: The “vampire cough”: What hip swine-flu infected kids are doing

  • Ever try sucking your own blood? Especially if you’re sick? That’s what the Miami-Dade Health Department is suggesting to kids going trick-or-treating tonight. Basically, they want kids to cough/sneeze into their elbows to protect other kids from swine flu germs. We think this is terrible advice, because one of these kids is going to be a vampire and draw their own blood. And if they do have swine flu, that little piggy’s gonna run through their bloodstream even quicker. A better bet would to come up with a last-second swine flu costume. This little piggy went to get some candy. This little piggy didn’t stay home. source

09 Apr 2009 10:31


Sports: Did Lance Armstrong delay his drug testing?

  • What happened? A drug tester went to get samples from the unretired Armstrong, but agreed to wait 20 minutes while he showered and while Armstrong’s assistant’s checked the tester’s background. source
  • What happened? A drug tester went to get samples from the unretired Armstrong, but agreed to wait 20 minutes while he showered and while Armstrong’s assistant’s checked the tester’s background.
  • No evasion, he says Armstrong (whose blood, urine and hair samples came out clean, by the way), denies being evasive, saying he simply wasn’t sure of the identity of the tester. It raised eyebrows, though. source

17 Mar 2009 10:22


Tech: Someone figured out how to use lasers for mass murder – of mosquitoes.

One laser can “toast millions of mosquitoes in a few minutes.” Will PETA complain? source

02 Jan 2009 12:58


U.S.: It’s National Blood Donor Month. Why you should.

  • 39,000 units of blood are needed in hospitals at any time source