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03 Oct 2009 11:14


Biz, U.S.: Unemployment benefits aren’t lasting as long as unemployment

  • 26
    the length of time that unemployment is available for those out of work (right now, there’s a lot of those people) source

22 Sep 2009 10:17


Biz, U.S.: Good news (kinda): Unemployment could get extended this week

  • six million people were getting unemployment at the end of August; benefits could run out for 1.5 million by the end of the year source

23 Aug 2009 20:58


U.S.: Inflation to blame for a dip in Social Security benefits next year

  • 1975 the last time grandpa’s benefits didn’t go up source

18 Jun 2009 10:49


Biz: This jobless number sounds good, but don’t be fooled

  • Unemployment insurance rolls dropped for the first time since January, dipping 148,000 – the biggest dip in seven years. source
  • Keep in mind that many of the people falling off the jobless rolls could merely be out of unemployment benefits. Oof. source

17 Jun 2009 09:28


U.S.: Obama boosts same-sex partner benefits for federal employees

  • Today, Obama will sign an executive order that gives wider benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. source
  • The order doesn’t go nearly as far as it could, stopping just short of giving full health care benefits to them. source
  • Obama has faced criticism from gay-rights groups for not doing enough – but he’s trying to avoid a fight. source