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17 Jan 2011 20:07


Politics: Tennessee Governor exempts self from income disclosure requirement

  • then For the past eight years, the Governor of Tennessee and their senior aides have been required by law to publicly disclose their annual incomes.
  • nowUnder a new order, the Governor is exempt from this requirement. Who issued the order? The new Governor, Bill Haslam! (thanks, pantslessprogressive) source

17 Jun 2009 09:28


U.S.: Obama boosts same-sex partner benefits for federal employees

  • Today, Obama will sign an executive order that gives wider benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. source
  • The order doesn’t go nearly as far as it could, stopping just short of giving full health care benefits to them. source
  • Obama has faced criticism from gay-rights groups for not doing enough – but he’s trying to avoid a fight. source

23 Jan 2009 09:58


U.S.: Obama takes a firm stand against torture

  • I can say without exception or equivocation that the United States will not torture.
  • President Barack Obama • who plans to close Guantanamo Bay within a year • source