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20 Feb 2009 12:00


Music: Morbid curio: Rihanna police shots

  • We’re not showing them. It’s not cool that TMZ published them. There’s a reason why these photos generally aren’t supposed to get out into the public, and it’s because victims should have rights. Even if they did release the most ubiquitous hit song of 2007 and were allegedly roughed up by Chris Brown. But if you want to see it, click on the link. And feel bad about yourself. source

15 Feb 2009 20:07


Music: Chris Brown finally speaks out on allegations

  • Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God’s help, to emerging a better person.
  • Chris Brown • Through his spokesman, in response to the allegations that he hit his girlfriend, Rihanna, last weekend. He didn’t say much else, except to note that he didn’t say anything on his Facebook page about the charges. • source

08 Feb 2009 21:24


Offbeat: Tip: When in the Witness Protection Program, don’t beat guys up.

  • Divorced from the mob Joey Calco, 40, used to be a contract killer for the Bonanno family, but then he became a snitch. As a result of this, he had to hide his identity so as not to get hit on himself. So he joined the Witness Protection Program. Yousee? source
  • Divorced from the mob Joey Calco, 40, used to be a contract killer for the Bonanno family, but then he became a snitch. As a result of this, he had to hide his identity so as not to get hit on himself. So he joined the Witness Protection Program. Yousee?
  • An argument over calzones Calco, hiding out in Florida working at a pizza joint, screwed up a calzone order. He got so irate that he attacked the two men involved. He got charged with battery, sued and then his identity came out in the press. Idiot. source