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12 Feb 2010 17:31


World: Time for action: The U.S. and Afghanistan take the Taliban head-on

  • Get your war on! In the first major assault since Obama moved to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, NATO and the U.S. are attacking the Taliban stronghold of Marjah, which is a new style of fighting for the region. Marjah is the last large stronghold the Taliban has in the rough and tumble Helmand Province. Here’s a lineup of the troops ready to kick ass and chew bubble gum:
  • 4,500 U.S. Marines are leading the offensive
  • 1,500 Afghan troops are joining in the attack
  • 300 U.S. soldiers are taking part, too source

06 Oct 2009 10:46


World: Wow, that was a big battle: A U.S. soldier death toll gets perspective

  • eight Americans died in a huge weekend battle in Afghanistan; it was the worst loss of U.S. soldiers in the region in a year source

13 Apr 2009 08:47


Offbeat, World: A battle for supremacy in Australia is ’rooing (as in kangaroo)

Officials at the Australian capital may take up arms against the kangaroo insurgency. Careful; they just bounce back. source

11 Mar 2009 01:47


World: The Mexican drug cartel battle leads to a grisly find

  • 5 human heads were found in ice chests in central Mexico source