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16 Jul 2009 12:26


Biz: In case you have any spare change … CIT Group could use it

  • $2 billion is needed in 24 hours or they’re going bankrupt, kids source

10 Jul 2009 14:15


Biz: Among the victims of the GM restructuring: Plants, workers, execs

  • ten plants will be closed by the end of next year, bringing them down to 37 source

10 Jul 2009 09:53


Biz, U.S.: This car chase is a great metaphor for GM’s bankruptcy emergence

  • Imagine the car Mark Hamill is driving is GM. Imagine the cloud of bankruptcy is the black car. And imagine Annie Potts as the government, yawing its way through the whole emergence from bankruptcy. And keep in mind that this 1978 movie is called “Corvette Summer.” And that this morning, GM finally got rid of the jerk tailing them and got Annie Potts home.source

06 Jul 2009 22:42


Biz, Sports: Tribune, still bankrupt, is close to selling off the Chicago Cubs

  • $900 million for the crown jewel of the news company source

06 Jul 2009 10:10


Biz, U.S.: General Motors plows through bankruptcy like an off-road SUV

  • 40 days from bankruptcy to government ownership – a blazing fast speed for this sorta thing source

16 Jun 2009 23:45


Biz: Six Flags shows how to handle a bankruptcy/PR crisis well

  • Not only for the three plus years that I’ve been here, but really since Premier Parks bought Six Flags from Time Warner, the word ‘debt’ has been associated with the Six Flags name and we’re looking to disconnect that.
  • Six Flags CEO Mark Shapiro • Regarding the amusement park company’s decision to go into bankruptcy. Here’s why this quote is notable, guys. After we posted about their bankruptcy, the company got a hold of us and numerous other bloggers offering the opportunity to join in a conference call. (That’s right, specifically for bloggers!) We couldn’t take part ourselves, but many other bloggers did and asked some great questions. Best part? Rather than simply looking to sugarcoat the details, Shapiro was honest, detailed and often blunt. The company will not close any parks and was profitable last year, but hopes to ease out of bankruptcy by the end of the year. More companies need to do this. Seriously. • source

16 Jun 2009 11:10


Biz: With the Saab sale, Konenigsegg is about to get much bigger

  • 45 number of employees the luxury sports-car maker currently has source

12 Jun 2009 16:16


Sports: Latest byproduct of GM’s bankruptcy: Cuts to NASCAR racing

  • They’re not going away completely, but they are cutting back. One of the most obvious public exponents of General Motors may be its role in the hugely popular NASCAR. GM, largely represented by Chevy, will take a step back, cutting funds from some big stars’ teams (Dale Jr. and Kevin Harvick) and overall doing less. NASCAR’s already been hit hard by the global crisis, with many job losses in the last year. This is just another chink in the Armor-All. source

10 Jun 2009 10:41


Biz: Legal issues pushed aside, Chrysler and Fiat tie the knot

  • Last night, the Supreme Court pushed the biggest obstacle out of the way for the merger of the century … well, until GM has to do something similar. source
  • This morning, Fiat officially owns 20% of Chrysler, a share that could go up to 35% if it goes well. The UAW owns the biggest share, however, at 55%. source
  • Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne sounds upbeat about the sale: “This is a very significant day … for the global automotive industry as a whole,” he said. source

09 Jun 2009 21:37


Biz, U.S.: SCOTUS uses super-tight language to allow the Chrysler sale

  • Our assessment of the stay factors here is based on the record and proceedings in this case alone.
  • Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg • In her four-paragraph decision in “Indiana State Police Pension Trust v. Chrysler LLC,” which was the main roadblock in the way of the Chrysler-Fiat sale. Why the wording? It’s likely they didn’t want to set a standard for any sort of GM sale. The decision, by the way, hinged on whether Chrysler was being discriminatory towards the pension program in its actions, which it wasn’t. Everyone’s getting screwed the same way. • source