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11 Apr 2010 21:05


Tech: Twitter app developers starting to get annoyed by the mothership

  • When we launched, Twitter was incomplete, so developers rushed to fill those holes, but eventually we’re going to have to build a lot of features in because they should be there. We want to set those expectations.
  • Twitter co-founder and chief executive Evan Williams • Regarding the company’s push to build out that infrastructure that app developers had previously built out for the company. Now that the company’s large enough to buy or build some of those apps themselves, it’s causing a bit of nervousness amongst developers. Many are excited about/dreading Twitter’s Chirp conference this week as a result. source

02 Dec 2009 23:37


Tech: Digg might be about to do newspapers a huge favor

  • So what’s in it for Digg? While the company might sacrifice some page views, it could get an even better sense of the content being blasted around the Web.
  • Forbes Senior Editor Brian Caulfield • On Digg’s new API, which is designed to make it stupidly easy to Digg posts all over the Webb. (Whoops, sorry, we put that extra “b” on “Web” by accident.) Caulfield argues that the site is attempting at a decentralized approach much like Twitter with the move – a move that could help journalism significantly. source

21 Aug 2009 14:45


Tech: Twitter finally has a plan to make money. Good for them!

  • Twitter will still be free for everybody and we’ll still tell them to go crazy with it. But we’ve identified a selection of things that businesses say are helping to make them more profit.
  • Twitter co-founder Biz Stone • Discussing how the company plans to actually make money with their overhyped, heavily-used service. The two ideas being presented: First, they plan to roll out premium accounts with analytics for corporate users. Secondly, they plan to create a commercial API for business-class interfaces. Note that the word “advertising” wasn’t used. • source