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28 Jan 2011 20:44


Tech: Openleaks is here: Here’s a video explaining what Openleaks does

  • So, to clarify: “Bottlenecks” does not appear to specifically be a euphemism for “Julian Assange.” There appears to have been some sincere thought on how to cleanly decentralize the system. We wish Openleaks the best of luck in their mission. source

02 Dec 2009 23:37


Tech: Digg might be about to do newspapers a huge favor

  • So what’s in it for Digg? While the company might sacrifice some page views, it could get an even better sense of the content being blasted around the Web.
  • Forbes Senior Editor Brian Caulfield • On Digg’s new API, which is designed to make it stupidly easy to Digg posts all over the Webb. (Whoops, sorry, we put that extra “b” on “Web” by accident.) Caulfield argues that the site is attempting at a decentralized approach much like Twitter with the move – a move that could help journalism significantly. source