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25 Jan 2011 15:01


U.S.: Three Supreme Court justices likely to skip State Of The Union

  • 6Supreme Court justices likely to attend the State Of The Union source
  • » Three justices are fine, thanks: Reports from Washington suggest that the Supreme Court may be three members down during President Obama’s address tonight. Though a court spokeswoman would not verify which justices would be attending, it’s expected that Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas will skip the address. This seems particularly relevant to Alito, who irritatedly mouthed “not true” during last year’s address, after the President’s criticism of the court’s “Citizen’s United” ruling.

24 Jan 2011 23:15


Politics: Antonin Scalia speaks to Congress, world stays relatively normal

  • event Tea Party Caucus leader and all-around accurate human being Michele Bachmann invited Antonin Scalia to speak to Congress about the Constitution. Some cried “conflict of interest.”
  • result Roughly 30-35 legislators showed up, four of them reportedly Democrats. (!!!) “I told them to pay attention to the Constitution,” Justice Scalia said. See, he did what he was asked! source

20 Jan 2011 23:03


Politics: SCOTUS: Should Scalia & Thomas have skipped campaign finance?

Liberal group Common Cause argues that the justices should’ve recused themselves from last year’s campaign finance decision for ties to Koch Industries and advocacy groups. source

11 May 2010 10:11


Politics: Some on the left are all grumbley about Elena Kagan

  • Why do the conservatives always get the conservatives, but we don’t get to get the liberals? What the hell is that all about?
  • Sen. Tom Harkin • Speaking before Kagan’s nomination, when it merely seemed likely she’d get the nod. Harkin isn’t alone on this stance. Many on the left were hoping that someone as liberal as Thurgood Marshall would get nominated. He’s the last outspoken liberal the court has had, and he was nominated in 1967. Instead, they’re all like, she’s not as liberal as Antonin Scalia is conservative! Gah! *GRUMBLE!* source

21 Apr 2010 23:15


Politics: The Supreme Court is over its head when it comes to sexting

  • Does it say: ‘Your call is important to us, and we will get back to you?’
  • Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy • Trying to wrap his head around the idea of sending a text message, as part of a case on sexting involving the . He’s not the only justice who doesn’t understand this newfangled technology. Fellow Justice Antonin Scalia showed off the fact that he’s old by saying this gem: “Could [the plaintiff, Sergeant Jeff] Quon print these spicy little conversations and send them to his buddies?” Because cell phones have printers. These people, by the way, are setting the law of the land, yet they don’t know what the heck they’re talking about. Should we be nervous? source

06 Oct 2009 20:11


U.S.: The Supreme Court tackles a case only Michael Vick could love

  • It’s not up to the government to decide what are people’s worst instincts. One can contemplate a lot of other areas, where government could say: You are appealing to people’s worst instincts, and, therefore, movies cannot be made.
  • Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia • Discussing a law that bans the sale and marketing of videos that show dog fighting or other forms of animal cruelty. Justice Samuel Alito sarcastically refuted: “What about people who like to see human sacrifices? Suppose that is legally taking place someplace in the world. I mean, people here would probably love to see it.” We plan to redesign our Web site based on Mr. Alito’s suggestion. Hanging in the balance is the fate of Pittsville, Virginia, Robert Stevens, who sold a series of videos depicting animal cruelty. • source