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20 Apr 2010 20:03


Politics: People like today’s Supreme Court ruling on dogfighting

  • The ruling struck down a law barring the distribution of animal cruelty videos. Today’s Supreme Court decision may be the strongest across-the-board decision they’ve made in a while, finding in favor of documentary producer Robert Stevens, who sold dogfighting videos that violated a 1999 law (and was jailed for the practice). In this case, free speech won, but by the way everyone’s talking, you’d think both sides won:
  • Free-speech fans A lawyer for the Cato Institute, which filed a brief in the case, said it was a win for free speech, no matter what kind: “The government’s effort to remove any area of public expression from the First Amendment’s protection would have been highly troubling.”
  • Animal Cruelty fighters The U.S. Humane Society saw silver lining in the court’s 8-1 decision: “The Supreme Court’s decision gives us a clear pathway to enact a narrower ban on the sale of videos depicting malicious acts of cruelty, including animal crush videos and dogfighting.” source

06 Oct 2009 20:11


U.S.: The Supreme Court tackles a case only Michael Vick could love

  • It’s not up to the government to decide what are people’s worst instincts. One can contemplate a lot of other areas, where government could say: You are appealing to people’s worst instincts, and, therefore, movies cannot be made.
  • Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia • Discussing a law that bans the sale and marketing of videos that show dog fighting or other forms of animal cruelty. Justice Samuel Alito sarcastically refuted: “What about people who like to see human sacrifices? Suppose that is legally taking place someplace in the world. I mean, people here would probably love to see it.” We plan to redesign our Web site based on Mr. Alito’s suggestion. Hanging in the balance is the fate of Pittsville, Virginia, Robert Stevens, who sold a series of videos depicting animal cruelty. • source