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26 Apr 2011 17:20


Politics: CA assemblyman proposes liquefaction as “green” cremation alternative

  • dirty death Cremation has long been one of the two mainstream methods of corpse disposal. The burnings are not necessarily eco-friendly, though, releasing carbon into the air and using up a fair share of energy to turn a body to ash.
  • clean death? Jeff Miller, a California state assemblyman, proposes allowing people to have their remains liquefied, a new process that uses 1/10th the energy of cremation. We can’t help but think this is going to hurt his political career. source

(via John Ness)

26 Feb 2010 23:15


Politics: Dear Coffee Party: Pushing for civil discourse a great idea


  • The Coffee Party is an interesting idea. An alternative approach to the Tea Party that switches drinks along with tones (a pro-bipartisanship political movement!) is really welcome in the political climate. While we’re not saying this will change the world, it’s good to have an alternative voice that can’t be dismissed as “liberal” or “socialist” so quickly. As regular watchers of the political sphere, we have a couple thoughts for you guys:
  • Calm but firm The reason this idea is gaining any sort of traction whatsoever is because the political discourse is too angry for some. But being calm and respectful doesn’t mean not having a backbone, though. Tell politicians what you want to see. Bring new ideas and red meat. Skip both the granola and the nuts.
  • Don’t align with anyoneWe really hope that the Coffee Party doesn’t side specifically with Democratic interests just because they’re in conflict with Tea Party interests. What we see with Tea Partiers is that they actively push against moderates on both sides, not just liberals. A big open tent is a much better idea.
  • Get a rally together! The Tea Party movement went from zero to 60 because they were well-organized and got themselves on TV frequently. You need to do the same. Get a rally together in D.C. – invite everyone you can, get a bunch of local coffee companies involved and bring low key to a big scale. Good luck. source

08 Aug 2009 18:16


Tech: Beyond Firefox, Safari and Chrome: Web browsers worth using

You’re a loner, Dottie, a rebel. As a result, you use a Web browser out of the mainstream. CNet checks them out. Their thought? It’s no contest. Opera wins. source

15 Jun 2009 18:22


Music: Dear Blur: Welcome back. We missed you. <3 Damon & Graham

  • The Britpop icons made their live re-debut over the weekend, and we couldn’t be happier clams. Sure, Gorillaz was good, but Blur is Blur. OK?source

08 Apr 2009 23:58


Biz, Tech: Looking for an alternative to wire services? Check out Smartnews

Our friends in N.C. are trying to turn wire services on their head. We wish them luck. source

17 Jan 2009 10:03


Music: Sonic Youth, finally working with “a label that loves songs”

  • We’re super inspired to make a fresh start. We’re glad to be dealing with a label that loves songs.
  • Thurston Moore • Sonic Youth guitarist, on the band’s recent move from major label Geffen, their label for nearly two decades, to indie Matador. The band will release a new album this summer. • source