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27 Oct 2011 14:20


Biz: Nintendo hurting over first projected annual loss in company history

  • ¥20 billion loss projection for Nintendo this fiscal year source
  • » That’s about $264 million: The iconic video game company has been struggling recently, suffering from a critical lack of technology advancement in their console market (those Wii graphics looked behind the times when it first came out, and now… yikes), as well as their Nintendo 3DS handheld underperforming against corporate estimates. It’ll be a while Nintendo will have to ride out before they actually launch a proper, new console system — the Wii U isn’t slated to launch until sometime next year (this fiscal year ends March 2012).

16 Jun 2011 13:53


Tech: Robin Williams is definitely a bigger Zelda fan than you

  • Robin Williams has been into Legend of Zelda since the ’80s. And in this new ad for the 3DS version of the Nintendo 64 classic Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (one of the best video games ever), Robin Williams is their poster boy. He’s a pretty big fan, apparently, and he has the proof. Check it out. source

31 Dec 2010 16:40


Tech: Nintendo: Young children shouldn’t play our new 3D console

  • six you must be this old to not have your vision screwed up by the 3DS (though you can turn the 3D off)
  • 30 you should take breaks after playing for this many minutes, even if you’re not under six source

09 May 2010 20:40


Tech: The only three things we know about Nintendo’s upcoming 3DS console

  • one It’s portable like the Nintendo DS and uses 3D technology to present gaming experiences the iPhone or iPad can’t.
  • two You’ll be able to turn off
    the console’s 3D mode
    so as not to severely
    damage your stupid
    kid’s eyesight.
  • three It’s going to have really
    tough anti-piracy
    mechanisms to ensure
    people pay for their
    Mario fix. source

23 Mar 2010 10:00


Tech: The 3DS: Nintendo’s going third-dimensional with its next portable

  • No photos, just a press release. It’s secret. Nintendo has this way of pushing a new technology that’s never been tried in video games before and turning it into a smashing success. The latest? The 3DS, a backwards-compatible variant of the DS series which uses 3D screens. It could be super-interesting. source