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Posted on October 1, 2010 | tags


Politics: “Rick’s List” redacted: Rick Sanchez fired from CNN

  • Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well.
  • A statement from CNN • Responding to Rick Sanchez saying that Jon Stewart is a bigot and suggesting that CNN is run by Jews by firing him. He made those comments yesterday on CNN contributor Pete Dominick’s radio show. You think his Twitter followers are gonna save him now? By the way, his timing is pitch-perfect. His 8 p.m. show is going off the air to be replaced by a less-controversial figure: Eliot Spitzer (and, OK, Kathleen Parker). CNN will have to fill out Sanchez’s Twitter-infused 3 p.m. slot, though. Maybe the guy can get a job causing the Elian Gonzalez crisis in Miami again. source