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Posted on August 27, 2010 | tags


Politics: Is the NY Post complicit in recent anti-Muslim incidents?

  • There’s some perspective. There’s been a bit of disagreement with some about whether the NYC cabbie slasher was part of a larger trend of anti-Muslim hatred (see, he worked for a leftist pro-Islam organization), to which this Colbert clip does a good job of putting it into perspective. The New York Post is willing to call the alleged attacker a “disgrace” on its front page, but it’s also worth noting that they had weeks of anti-Muslim headlines before that. And well, there was another incident which could clearly be connected to the recent anti-Muslim vibe going around NYC. Is it possible that weeks of angry New York Post covers had nothing to do with either of these incidents? Sure. But let’s just say that they didn’t really help, either. source