Since, first, we missed it this weekend, and second, so much happened in the last 24 hours, we’re throwing you a special Monday edition of Max Headroom. Enjoy, and don’t say we don’t ever give you things!
civil wrong Glenn Beck needs to check his history books before he talks. Seems the guy who he was offended about looking like a civil rights marcher was Rep. John Lewis … a civil rights marcher. Oops.
O’Reilly: It was “Hysteria” The right-leaning talk radio dudes were so crazy today that even Bill O’Reilly was just like, holy crap, really? OK, granted, the GOP just lost a major political victory, but still. Wow.
sorry about that, guys On CNN today, Rep. Randy Neugebauer apologized for that “baby killer” comment in regards to Bart Stupak, but still stands by it. We stand by the “he who smelt it, dealt it” policy, really.