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Posted on November 22, 2009 | tags


Politics: Max Headroom: Abortion, George Will and enemy combatants

  • Debbie does Fox Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow, a pro-choice Democrat, made a pitch for abortion – and equality in health care for women – on Fox News. Fox News’ Chris Wallace asked if she’d get the Stupak amendment – the key to the House bill passing – overturned, and she said yes. That’s a lefty for ya.
  • No mincing words On ABC’s “This Week,” George Stephanopoulos asked whether Sarah Palin advanced her political career thanks to the hype around “Going Rogue.” George Will – a dusty old conservative, by the way – quipped that what Palin is doing is “not politics.” Damn, he let her have it.
  • Pressure pointWhen Sen. Lindsey Graham asked Attorney General Eric Holder about enemy combatants facing civilian trials through history, it was like a pin prick. CNN speculates Holder knew the answer, but knew it’d hurt politically – Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would remain in jail no matter the outcome.