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03 Dec 2010 11:30


U.S., World: Obama comes to Afghanistan to test Skype connection with Karzai

  • what President Obama made an unexpected trip to Afghanistan for some strange reason. He’s there right now, kids, and he’ll stay for maybe six hours tops.
  • why His relationship with comically inept Afghan President Hamid Karzai requires some face time. Problem is, due to weather, the closest they’ll get is Skype. Really. source

03 Dec 2010 11:23


Politics: Hillary Clinton: Are you mad? I’m not running for president again

  • I think I’ll serve as secretary of state as my last public position and the probably go back to advocacy work, particularly on behalf of women and children.
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton • Suggesting that, no, she won’t run for president when Obama’s done. She’s hinted at the issue before but the comments today were the first very explicit ones she’s made about her future plans. We don’t believe her. If she waited a few more years, she would most likely be president. Knowing her past ambitions, it’s hard to believe she’d give them up like that. source

03 Dec 2010 11:13


World: Thanks Wikileaks! Russian prez Dmitry Medvedev calls U.S. cynical

The Russian president suggests the “telling” leaks from Wikileaks show the “cynicism” of U.S. foreign policy. He suggests they won’t hurt U.S.-Russian relations, though. source

03 Dec 2010 10:52


Politics: Marines by far most resistant to repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell”

  • If the law is changed, successfully implementing repeal and assimilating openly homosexual Marines into the tightly woven fabric of our combat units has strong potential for disruption at the small unit level, as it will no doubt divert leadership attention away from an almost singular focus of preparing units for combat.
  • Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos • Offering perhaps the strongest argument against repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell.” His comments, made in front of a Senate panel, should be obvious in the wake of the Pentagon’s recent study, which showed Marines to be the branch most resistant to the idea of openly gay soldiers. From there, the responses grew progressively more positive, with the Army pushing for eventual repeal, the Air Force pushing for repeal in 2012, and the Navy pushing for repeal right freaking now. source

03 Dec 2010 10:38


Biz: Here are some more of those depressing jobs numbers you love

  • 39k the number of jobs added to payrolls in November
  • 172k the number of jobs added in the less-depressing prior month
  • 9.8% the unemployment rate, which is up (!) from October source

03 Dec 2010 09:27


U.S.: becomes too hot to handle after cyberattacks

  • crazy Days after Amazon shut down its access to Wikileaks, they came under an attack so strong that their domain name distributor, EveryDNS, had to rescind their ownership of WTF?
  • crazier As of right now, the very controversial site remains up at, but it only forwards to an IP address. Wonder who wants to force them offline? The U.S.? Nah, that simply couldn’t be. source

03 Dec 2010 00:44


U.S.: Disney-built Celebration, Florida not celebrating recent major crimes

On top of telling people to stay at bay, this police officer in Celebration, Florida is counting the murders in the mini-utopia that Disney built. One in fourteen years. source