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12 Sep 2010 02:18


Politics: CNN asks dumb, controversial poll question about gay TV characters

  • bad CNN’s Headline News recently had a report on the “surge” of gay characters on TV, and their potential impact on culture. The anti-gay Media Research Center was quoted.
  • worse With the online version of the story, they included a poll asking: “Is the surge in gay TV characters ‘bad for society’?” GLAAD rightly got them to take the poll down, but the article is still up. source

12 Sep 2010 01:17


U.S.: The San Bruno explosion death toll rises, could get worse

  • seven have died in the freak accident in the San Francisco suburb
  • six more are still missing; hundreds are currently displaced source

12 Sep 2010 00:51


Politics: Classless: Neil Cavuto cuts in on Michelle Obama to trash Barack

  • What the hell, dude? Considering all the classiness currently going around on all sides of the media, it’s taking a lot to draw our collective attentions, but Neil Cavuto did it here, pointing out – while Michelle Obama was making a speech honoring of the victims of United Flight 93 (!) – that Obama was not famous when the attack took place. Who cares? Just shut up and wait to make your petty, meaningless political point on another day. Note how Michelle was actually saying something relatively heartfelt and meaningful. You couldn’t have that, could you? source