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29 Sep 2009 09:46


Culture: Roman Polanski to Swiss: Will you guys let me go? Please?

  • The director’s hoping for leniency. Roman Polanski submitted an application to a a Swiss court today asking to be let go. He’s willing to have limitations set on his freedom. The court will decide in the next few weeks whether to let him go. Man, if they let him go after all the fuss they made about capturing him … that would be a #)&!storm. source

29 Sep 2009 01:42


U.S.: Welcome back Sully: The heroic Hudson pilot goes back to work

  • The months since January 15 have been very full, and my family and I have had some unforgettable experiences. However, I have missed working with my colleagues at US Airways and I am eager to get back in the cockpit with my fellow pilots in the months ahead.
  • Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger • On returning to work in a slightly different role. The US Airways pilot will be returning as a management pilot and will also play a larger role in safety management. Considering the pin-point landing he made with Flight 1549, he’s going to be perfect for that role. • source

29 Sep 2009 01:24


Culture: Mark your calendars! Sarah Palin has a memoir coming out

  • 11/14 the date that Palin’s “Going Rouge” comes out; fingers crossed that there’s an entire chapter on Levi Johnston source