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Posted on March 29, 2010 | tags


World: Why are Chechen women suspected? They have a history of attacks

  • 2002 Nearly 40 Chechen rebels (including women) stormed a Moscow theater, an attack which led to a huge loss of life.
  • 2003 Rebels attempted to assassinate Chechen president Akhmad Kadyrov, who supported the Russian government.
  • 2004 Chechen rebels (including women) raided a Beslan, North Ossetia, school. Hundreds were killed, including children.
  • » Why so violent? Part of it is Russia’s history with Chechnya. In recent years, the Russian military has committed a wave of destruction in the region so terrible that it’s led to wide reports of post-traumatic stress syndrome among women. Many, including women involved in the 2002 theater siege, were brutally raped by Russian soldiers. source