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Posted on March 19, 2010 | tags


World: Skeptic calls guru’s “I’ll kill you on live TV” bluff, walks away alive

  • The immediate goal I have is to stop these fraudulent babas and gurus. I want people to make their own decisions. They should not be guided by ignorance, but by knowledge.
  • Indian Rationalists’ Association skeptic-in-chief Sanal Edamaruku • Regarding the attempt by Pandit Surender Sharma, a well-known tantric guru, to kill him on an Indian TV show. Clearly, since he’s talking about the experience, he survived, and he’s ready to gloat: “He was over, finished, completely destroyed!” Edamaruku, whose goal is to push Indian mysticism out of society, has built up the Indian Rationalists’ Association to 100,000 members over the last 25 years. He’s not a playa, he just crushes a lot. source