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Posted on February 6, 2009 | tags


U.S.: Jesus. That company knew it was shipping tainted peanut butter.

  • *Forehead slap* According to the FDA, the Georgia peanut plant at the center of the goober salmonella outbreak knew as far back as 2007 that the peanuts it was shipping tested positive for the bacteria. Even so, it kept shipping them until a second test confirmed the first test’s suspicions, and even after THAT, allowed the tainted product to get sold. source
  • *Forehead slap* According to the FDA, the Georgia peanut plant at the center of the goober salmonella outbreak knew as far back as 2007 that the peanuts it was shipping tested positive for the bacteria. Even so, it kept shipping them until a second test confirmed the first test’s suspicions, and even after THAT, allowed the tainted product to get sold.
  • And yeah. People got sick. Peanut Corp. of America made a lot of people sick due to its actions. On top of the 575 illnesses in 43 states, eight people have died from eating tainted peanut butter. On top of that dramarama, over 1,550 products were recalled. Oh, and they caused a national scare that made me afraid of eating my favorite food. *grumble* source