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Posted on March 13, 2009 | tags


U.S.: Alabama shooter left a note; he planned to go out in “grand style”

  • Why he did it Without specifying the specific details of the note, investigators said that Michael McLendon’s note explained a row with his family that left him harboring ill feelings. McLendon also disliked the way he was treated at work – he was given the nickname “Doughboy,” which he didn’t like. McLendon killed many members of his family and many co-workers during the shooting on Tuesday. source
  • Why he did it Without specifying the specific details of the note, investigators said that Michael McLendon’s note explained a row with his family that left him harboring ill feelings. McLendon also disliked the way he was treated at work – he was given the nickname “Doughboy,” which he didn’t like. McLendon killed many members of his family and many co-workers during the shooting on Tuesday.
  • Dreams unfulfilled McLendon aspired to be a Marine and, later, a police officer. After enlisting in both at different times, he was let go from each only weeks in. In the case of the Marines, he was let go due to “fraudulent enlistment,” and with the police, physical issues were at play. He was depressed and unhappy with his lot in life, according to statements he made towards the end of it. source