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Posted on February 19, 2011 | tags


Tech: Libya’s unrest won’t affect’s domains at all, guys

  • NO Libya’s unrest won’t affect’s URL-shortening source
  • » When clever names go bad: As we have noted in the past,’s name is tied very closely to Libya. However, as the Interwebs have gone down of late in the country, many are wondering if this means anything bad for the URL shortener market, which also counts and as potential victims, among others. We’ll let’s CEO, John Borthwick, take it from here: “For .ly domains to be unresolvable the five .ly root servers that are authoritative *all* have to be offline, or responding with empty responses. Of the five root nameservers for the .ly TLD: two are based in Oregon, one is in the Netherlands and two are in Libya.” And plus, they have backup plans in place, like or So no, nothing to worry about.